Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
09-Nov-2024 |
# of downloads: |
382 |
average rating: |
6.16 |
review count: |
8 |
review this level |
file size: |
20.80 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
Joke |


Reviewer's comments |
"This is a funny level, I like funny heh heh, hence the 10 in Objects.
I especially like the dragon easter egg at the end after you go back to see him.
It's no question that I like it when a game doesn't take itself too seriously, but I also
like it when there is substance...
There is not much in the land of gameplay, just a few rooms with Olympic themed trials,
which in retrospect would be awesome as a game, but this game missed the mark.
The atmosphere was odd, why was the Temple of Seth ambience being used in an Olympic
setting, could of put the Wii Sports music in there haha.
All in all, I like this from the builder and want to see more from them, they have a talent
for the use of objects in TR levels." - JimmyBeon (30-Dec-2024) |
"I've rarely seen such a divergence in review scores. My own reaction is similar to Sponge's:
entertaining but nothing to write home about. The only task I would consider difficult was
that jump to the swingpoles so you could grab a jump switch. That one took me a number of
tries. The rest of it was rather pedestrian, certainly nothing worthy of high numbers." - Phil (20-Nov-2024) |
"This level was really a cute idea, it was fun to absolve the Olympic disciplines and despite being rather simplistic the fans and "contrahents" of Lara are memorable. I liked the small timed run and the possibility to cheat a little at the end, even if Kurtis is still invincible ;). Sadly the audio and background music wasn't worked upon so that the atmosphere is not as great as it could me. Finished in 8 minutes." - manarch2 (18-Nov-2024) |
"Bringing together a couple of challenges with a few jokes, this short custom level is ideal for a quick break.
Lara needs to compete in a number of disciplines like diving, swimming, climbing and running. The jumping was a bit tricky because Lara has to be in the center of the square to be able to grab the swinging poles and the camera angle does not help. Otherwise, the challenges are well within Lara's set of abilities.
I like how, if you observe the running scene, there's a fun little incident with the dragon, and how Lara can cheat a bit in the running competition if the player picked up a key at the beginning of the game.
This creative little game does not want to compete with the great custom levels out there, but it certainly adds another nuance as to what a custom level can look like." - Sponge (16-Nov-2024) |
"Another of the few levels that cannot (and must not) be rated strictly under the rather
technical rating system of this site. It's very creative and humourous and if it made you
lough a couple to times, it fully served its purpose. The environment is simple but the
builder cared to implement several little details here and there. Some sound effects would
make it even better. My rating comes from the heart and it represents the fun I had while
playing it." - billie2001 (14-Nov-2024) |
"Ok - this time I did have a few laughs (mainly about Kurtis) and have to admire the
creativity in putting together a course across a series of Olympic disciplines with the well
known TR characters challenging each other. It is fairly crude still, but not without its
charm and definitely worth a quick look for the 10-15 minutes it lasts." - MichaelP (11-Nov-2024) |
"3/10 my ***, this is epic. But it could be wonderful with proper sfx, crowd ambience, cheerful applause, medal winning and slowmo running to Chariots of fire. Can we get it, please? Btw I love how Kurtis being the clumsiest playable character gets his payback time here. Second btw, timer doesn't work, fix that as well. Highly recommended." - DJ Full (11-Nov-2024) |
"Another curious oddity here, involving Lara
partaking in some sort of sporting event
that essentially amounts to re-learning her
old moves again. It did offer a sweet
opportunity to see some familiar TR
characters, though (and Kurtis in particular
must have been on illicit substances as his
swimming and running abilities had much
improved), which was a rather nice touch.
There's a choice between a timed version and
normal version, but that didn't seem to make
much difference to the gameplay at all. Not
much else to it, really. Cute cutscene
again, though." - Ryan (10-Nov-2024) |