Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3180
TR3 - 179
TR2 - 138
TR1 - 65

73449 reviews (20.4/level)
3585 (99.7%) walkthroughs
454 Hall of Fame levels
1252 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

LB Advent Calendar 2006 - Nepal Cold/Snowy 46.10 MB TR4 8.32 26 24-Dec-2006
Strange World 2 - Reactor Critical Alien/Space 28.40 MB TR4 8.81 22 16-Aug-2003
Strange World - Lost by the Warp Gate Alien/Space 28.20 MB TR4 8.52 32 05-Jul-2002
Return to the Blue Planet Base/Lab 16.00 MB TR4 9.03 37 01-Nov-2001
Behind the Warp Gate Egypt 16.10 MB TR4 7.86 29 05-Jan-2001
Coastal Run Coastal 15.04 MB TR4 7.20 42 14-Dec-2000
name: Uwe Froehlich
country/city: Germany/Dortmund
builder interview: UFO

birthday: 05-Apr-1959
occupation: cameraman
hobbies: Computer, 3d Animationen, Level Editor
