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Underworld UB1 - Recruiting Demon Smalls


Richard Lawther
release date: 27-Apr-2004
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 9.85
review count: 62
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file size: 58.35 MB
file type: TR4
class: Fantasy/Surreal
Hall of Fame

author profile(s):

This is a sequel to The Lizard King.
The diminutive Demon Smalls is the Underworld's most talented 'engineer'. Using the magic rules that govern the Underworld, Smalls is famed for having created many clever magical devices which almost behave as though they follow scientific principles. Unfortunately, his place of work - Demon Heights - has been corrupted by the malevolent Dark Souls. Demon Smalls himself is also under the same bad influence, so a crack team of demonic musicians has been guided through the Nothings by Anubis and sent to Demon Heights to restore harmony and bring Demon Smalls back to the path of demonic righteousness. You have been sent along as well - as backup. But as the musicians attempts are immediately thwarted by the twisted Demon Smalls - it's now up to you to sort out the mess.