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TR5 Test Level - Treditor3D v2.0 Testlevel


release date: 22-Oct-2001
difficulty: medium

average rating: 4.00
review count: 19
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file size: 51.72 MB
file type: TR5
class: Base/Lab

author profile(s):

In the world of TR1, TR2, TR3 & TR5 custom levels 'Test levels' are levels built with the purpose to demonstrate an idea or test how a certain set up works. Therefore most of them are not proper levels in the regular sense of the word.

The levels combined in this download and script are the self-proclaimed TR5 Test levels. You can select and play any of them from the script. This package includes all Test levels released from 2001 till 2005 with the exception of Skateboard Kid's Del's Level which will be presented individually. The Author's Readmes folder contains all the readmes for the levels where the authors provided them, so be sure to check them out.