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Tomb Raider and RMS Titanic


release date: 16-Jul-2011

average rating: 8.78
review count: 25
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file size: 90.39 MB
file type: TR4
class: Ship

author profile(s):

Marco Bartoli from TR2 returned. Like previously, he wants power, strength and his dream is to be immortal. Thanks to Lara he failed last time with the Xian sword, so now he started doing the second plan. His second plan ( plan B ) contains the legendary Heart of the Ocean artifact. According to the legends, this artifact can extend human life time and with proper usage it can make its user immortal. Since one week many of Bartolis people are searching the wrecks interior for this artifact - with no results. Only Lara, as previously, can save the world, so she decided to swim down to the wreck and start looking for the same thing as Bartoli. She must find the artifact first.