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The Triangle Of Light - Prequel


release date: 12-Nov-2011
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.31
review count: 22
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file size: 177.55 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

author profile(s):

Note: July 2020 - On request of the author this level can no longer be downloaded.

Lara receives an letter from her father, who passed away 7 years ago. He told her about an house in England, Nottingham. He believes that there is a hidden clue for the location of an Ancient Artifact called The Triangle of Light. She makes her way to Nottingham in the hope to find that clue before others get it.

Important Note: Even if the Attic is protected by lasers it is possible to bypass them with a specific Jump. Do not access the Attic in The Arrival otherwise it will result in an Dead End. The Attic is officially accessable in Level 3 (The Clock of Ages).