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Tomb Raider - The Resurrection II


release date: 23-Nov-2024
difficulty: medium
duration: very long

average rating: 9.50
review count: 3
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file size: 298.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Note: Package updated on Dec 8, 2024. Found bugs have been fixed, Lara's holsters changed to TR2.

The year is 1998. "Marco will be resurrected!" swore Fabio - and he really is determined to fulfill his promise to bring back Marco Bartoli, the leader who can bring the Fiamma Nera cult to its former glory. The Egyptian Gods have not helped him in his efforts, so he turns to the Norse ones now. Will Odin's pendant make his wish come true?

Lara Croft also has a score to settle - to stop Fabio and the cult of Fiamma Nera once and for all. So she heads to Venice - to visit the very cradle of the cultists. They are understandably not very pleased that she is (once again) trying to destroy their plans...

And so begins the next great adventure of the famous Tomb Raider. Follow Lara into the romantic (and deadly) canals of Venice. Visit a forgotten underground WWII bunker. Explore the lost tomb of a Valkyrie. Enjoy a train chase, solve puzzles, discover hidden secrets, meet old (and new) frie- ehm, enemies - and much more, as Lara and you travel through the snowy hills and valleys of this world and across the Bifröst bridge to Asgard itself...

- 16 levels + Lara's Home
- in-game story cutscenes
- supported screen ratios: 3:2, 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9
- classic TR2 secret system - find all three, get the reward
- changeable outfits in Lara's Home
- bonus mode (after finishing the game)

For more info read the PDF manual (included with download).

Special thanks to ChocolateFan for her astonishing coding skills, her dedication and time she devoted to this project. Special thanks to all Voice Actors - Jenni Milward, Topixtor and Miguel Marado - who did a phenomenal job and special thanks to Lee, Charlie91, LoreRaider, Haley and Heckler for feedback and beta testing.

(this game is a sequel to Tomb Raider - The Resurrection from 2014)