Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
23-Nov-2024 |
# of downloads: |
965 |
average rating: |
9.46 |
review count: |
6 |
review this level |
file size: |
297.00 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
nc |


Reviewer's comments |
"This mammoth levelset easily rivals the
original TR2 game, and definitely surpasses
it in terms of complexity. The aesthetics
and gameplay are so true to the original
game that I wouldn't have guessed that the
TR4 engine was used, had I not glanced at
the documentation beforehand. You get a
great variety of surroundings throughout the
17 levels, and the later sections boast some
pretty stunning architecture. Progression is
thought-provoking throughout and while there
is an overreliance on block puzzles, I did
appreciate the thought and planning that
went into them. Combat is quite full-
throttle and the enemy difficulty gradually
builds up, but supplies are generously
scattered around (do try and locate as many
of the secrets as you can!). It's all
meticulously constructed, and only a couple
of things spoiled it very slightly for me:
firstly, there were too many dark areas, and
despite there being a veritable boatload of
flares it still proved an annoyance. Also,
the final battle was little more than a
tedious slaughterhouse. I used more
medipacks in that level than any other, and
it left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth
afterwards. A bit of a downer ending to what
was otherwise a thoroughly enjoyable set of
levels. Still, I definitely recommend giving
it a go if you're up for it." - Ryan (09-Feb-2025) |
"I truly believe that this gargantuan release is more than a mere replacement game. For the
first time in memory my game clock at the end told me that I'd invested more than a full
day plus a couple of hours making my way through these 17 (including an inconsequential
and rather unnecessary house level) separate but loosely connected adventures. And I have
a suggestion for our faithful suppliers of video walks. Three for this game are available
for use, but two of our regulars have provided a single clunky and unwieldy video that I
found almost impossible to navigate. On the other hand, someone called TRGamer has
provided a playlist of 17 separate videos that was so much more user-friendly. For these
extra-long releases, I urge that the same practice be followed by all our video producers.
As for the game itself, it faithfully follows the TR2 mold and provides a well-rounded
raid in many different environments. My written walk turned out to have nearly 46,000
words, more than many paperback novels on my bookshelf. The builder has somehow found a
way of thwarting all my standard cheating devices, so at the beginning I became nervous at
the prospect of running out of certain indispensable supplies. However, the pickups to be
found are plenteous, particularly if you take the time and effort necessary to acquire the
three secrets to be found in each of the first 15 levels. The last level, however, is
little more than an extended bloodbath whose sole objective seems to be to exhaust all the
ammunition and healthpacks you've acquired up to this point. And by the way, I found the
M16 to be almost worthless because it would operate only on a sporadic basis, and even
then would fire only a few rounds at a time. In sum, this is a well-planned and executed
release that must have consumed much creative effort on the builder's part, but by the
time you've finished you'll probably have no thought of wanting to play it a second time." - Phil (09-Feb-2025) |
"Fascinating, extremely long and (at least towards the end) difficult set of levels.
In general it has large, good looking, competently designed and textured levels with interesting architecture and all types of gameplay. I don't know what much more I should write about this.
Everything is kept in TR2 retro style. Even the game menu is modded to look like TR2. It still makes use of TR4 moves. Personally, I really appreciate the builder's choice to use the TR4 instead of TR2 engine and going through the effort to mod the game instead. The ancient TR2 engine causes even more technical problems than TR4 and should be avoided.
I often found it difficult to find my path. If you get confused, you may have to backtrack a lot, or spend a lot of time trying to make progress. It's not that difficult, but the levels are large and full of tricky situations.
The enemies are very strong. Conserving ammo and medipacks is advised. They're strong from the beginning, but later, I had so much trouble I frequently had to reload and redo encounters with them. The cost in ammo or medipacks was too high, or the enemies gunned Lara down in a second with their high damage. It got even worse when they got faster at running than Lara. In some situations I was about to give up. Only certain types of weapons saved me.
How much ammo and medipacks you get seems to heavily depend on how many secrets or other hidden items you find.
It's extremely long. I logged 20 hours on my statistics screen, and of course it actually took me even longer. It kept me entertained all the time, even if it got a bit exhausting in the final 1/3rd when it gets really difficult. I used a whopping 102 medipacks.
The tough enemies, jumps, timed runs etc. required me to save and reload a lot. The modified TR2-style menu added quite a delay to these actions (you have to wait for the animation to finish). This was annoying, it's like half of the game was me waiting for the loading/saving menu animations to finish. The actual loading process is instant, much faster than usual for TRLE. It doesn't even show a loading bar, it just loads. It would have been perfect if F5/F6 didn't trigger the animation.
More on the topic of the menu modification: I liked that the last used savegame slot was focused even across game restarts.
There's a story and some cut-sequences throughout the game. Not much, but makes it a little bit fresher.
In summary, it's very good. But you may want to save this for later if you're a beginner. It's probably not for players who just want to relax." - tuxraider (01-Feb-2025) |
"Just managed to finish this after its release ! Found around 35 secrets because i was quite tired towards the last levels . Kudos to Larahcroft91 , big effort and and care for the levels . my advice is take and find as many ammo you can or you will regret it . my least favourite levels were the ice ones personally .See you in another 10 years xd" - Petaludas (20-Jan-2025) |
"It spoiled me with great maps and amazing novelty then slapped me with gameplay - too much filler and usual activity, which is okay in the first custom games you play, but this one won't be the first. Then the goal, most hidden places got the most regular and predictable approach inducing more fatigue. If you don't mind slow pace then absolutely play it though." - DJ Full (11-Jan-2025) |
"This a giant seventeen level set (although one is a home level, so it's sixteen as far as the main story goes). While predominately set in snowy environments after the starting Venice levels, there's a lot of setting variety here, and it does a good job varying between modern, ancient and mostly natural environments. There are all kinds of grand environments and architecture supporting the themes, and giving each part a distinct style. The texture and lighting are also great throughout, with a lot of variety, as well as supporting parts of the story well, and the author's previous issues with overuse of ambient lighting are almost entirely resolved now. Object use is also standout with plenty of original interactions and animations. This includes several in-game cutscenes, which are both well animated and don't bloat the filesize like the FMV's of the previous sets did (although it amused me how many involved Lara being terrible at stealth). Voice acting also seems to be fully Human this time and is much improved over the original Resurrection. It uses plugins that make most aspects of the game feel near identical to Tomb Raider 2 despite being a TR4 set with newer moves, and it's well executed to the point I'd have a hard time telling what engine it was on if the documentation didn't say. It also stuck out how many varieties of individual enemies there are, with Humans having many different model/texture tweaks. Everything about the presentation here is exceptional.
Having just got done with another ~seventeen level set in Folklorist Diary 2, which nonetheless mostly had relatively short individual maps, this is a different beast entirely, and very much lives up to it's map number, with many of the levels here being hour+ behemoths that provide whole new areas just when it seems like they're winding down. There's a wide range of tasks to support the length, as well as many of the new interactions also providing original puzzle and trap ideas. There's also a few shorter levels to mix it up (including two in a row that felt like they could be a single map by this pack's standards, but I guess there was a technical reason) and break a little from the giant ones. It also follows TR2 in making combat a big aspect, with corpse persistence resulting in some areas ending up a total bloodbath by the end, although you also get a massive quantity of health and ammo (even more if you find a decent amount of secrets), along with a ton of duration-boosted flares for when it is dark, and I never came close to running low. Given a lot of ammo was provided for other weapons I did find it odd I didn't get anything but the Shotgun until after Venice, but I guess I missed some earlier weapons? Despite the amount of combat it's tailored to the nature of each level, and there are still multiple that mix up the pacing by minimising encounters to focus on a more lonely atmosphere instead. There's also a couple of twists like enemies that can only be killed by Grenades. The final boss to cap things off is also well-executed, although one aspect of it could be communicated a bit better. Like Resurrection 1 the TR2 secret system is here, and it's executed even better here, with many of secrets having their own interesting mini-adventures in themselves (to the point I'm curious about some of the ones I missed). I did find it odd how many secret-like hidden nooks and crannies there are which only provide items; I almost feel like there should have been some "normal" secrets counted on top of the TR2-style artifacts.
On the negative side there's a few too many block puzzles, although I liked some of them, as they're some of the rare ones that made me stop and think about how to execute them, and they did get less common later on. There's also a bit of a habit of semi-hidden switches and objects needed for progression, and I ran across a couple basically by accident or as a last resort after trying everything else, although there are generally clues, or you are locked inside areas where this is a thing. All the new interactions do also result in one or two slightly unintuitive ones, although I was able to work them out with a little experimentation. I was also stuck for ages on the cabins level because I missed a key an enemy dropped and their corpse made it invisible; this is partially my fault for not being careful with every corpse, but this level also has a ton of unintended backtracking if you miss it so I feel it could be handled a bit better. I also ran into a bug where when multiple enemies need to die to open a door if you save and load between killing them all the trigger doesn't work; this lost me a bit of progress at one point. I found a couple of shortcuts by accident but there was always a locked door or other obstacle that required the "intended" route to open so it didn't break progression much. Despite those issues they make up a small part of the overall adventure, and another thing I really liked past the Venice intro is that each section almost directly leads into the next (including finding a means of travel at times), which really gives the feel of going on a long journey. While occasionally dragged down by some of the authors worst previous habits showing up, this is another masterpiece of a mod that provides a full adventure and feels like a true pseudo-sequel to TR2 itself." - Mman (04-Dec-2024) |