Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3187
TR3 - 182
TR2 - 139
TR1 - 67

73816 reviews (20.4/level)
3595 (99.6%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1259 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

Simply Purple Joke 23.70 MB TR4 9.32 46 31-Dec-2007
Snowy Trial Revised Cold/Snowy 35.70 MB TR4 8.21 14 22-Sep-2007
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Sheevah's Home Xmas 24.80 MB TR4 8.93 34 08-Dec-2005
LB Advent Calendar 2004 - Jingle Bells Xmas 27.10 MB TR4 7.88 22 27-Oct-2004
Amazing Tower Castle 29.20 MB TR4 8.66 19 03-Jun-2003
Looking forward Cave/Cat 30.80 MB TR4 8.53 19 18-May-2003
Aftermath 3 - One Step further nc 29.70 MB TR4 7.84 19 25-Oct-2002
Aftermath nc 32.30 MB TR4 8.70 32 27-May-2002
Return from Tibet - Way back Home Cold/Snowy 21.70 MB TR4 8.50 20 22-Dec-2001
Return to Tibet - Hunt for the Deathmask Cold/Snowy 22.20 MB TR4 8.28 27 02-Dec-2001
Tower of Fate/The Ritual nc 29.52 MB TR4 8.04 23 06-Nov-2001
Anywhere/Nowhere 1+2 nc 27.18 MB TR4 7.54 20 11-Oct-2001
Snowy Trial Cold/Snowy 16.91 MB TR4 4.88 23 23-Sep-2001
country/city: Germany/

hobbies: PC, Internet, Lara, Rolling Stones, Silk painting etc.
