Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3185
TR3 - 181
TR2 - 139
TR1 - 66

73793 reviews (20.4/level)
3593 (99.7%) walkthroughs
457 Hall of Fame levels
1258 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

Underbelly Egypt 51.30 MB TR4 6.52 13 13-Oct-2005
Cobra's Lair Jungle 28.10 MB TR4 6.23 15 07-Apr-2004
Stone Cold City 23.41 MB TR4 4.85 18 10-May-2003
The Swamp Jungle 19.66 MB TR4 4.08 20 09-Apr-2003
Lair of the T-Rex Jungle 20.90 MB TR4 4.32 18 19-Feb-2003
Return to the Maria Doria Ship 14.49 MB TR4 3.78 17 07-Nov-2002
The Crypt of Tohokan 2 Egypt 14.58 MB TR4 3.35 18 01-Nov-2002
Tohokan's Temple Egypt 15.70 MB TR4 4.21 18 04-Oct-2002
Antarctica - Unfinished Business Egypt 20.09 MB TR4 3.14 18 08-Sep-2002
The Crypt of Tohokan Egypt 13.86 MB TR4 2.47 22 01-Sep-2002
country/city: England/

birthday: 12-Jul-1989
occupation: student
