Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74039 reviews (20.4/level)
3607 (99.7%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

Tomb Raider: Above the Horizon (Demo) nc 354.00 MB TR4 9.54 27 09-Apr-2019
Pearl of Kojada Cold/Snowy 226.00 MB TR4 9.36 29 27-Nov-2017
Ancient Artifact II nc 544.00 MB TR4 9.58 36 21-Mar-2015
Ancient Artifact nc 89.10 MB TR4 9.09 38 28-Aug-2007
Symbol of the World 2 nc 54.89 MB TR4 8.01 35 19-Jul-2006
Symbol of the World nc 16.80 MB TR4 7.14 35 28-May-2006
name: Michael
country/city: Poland/
builder interview: Max

birthday: 15-Jun-1987
occupation: graphic designer
hobbies: game design, digital painting, art, games
