Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3180
TR3 - 179
TR2 - 138
TR1 - 65

73449 reviews (20.4/level)
3585 (99.7%) walkthroughs
454 Hall of Fame levels
1252 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

BtB2007 - Hell Hath No Fury City 29.70 MB TR4 7.08 27 01-Jan-2007
Community Level Deux Cold/Snowy 20.60 MB TR4 7.53 16 18-Aug-2006
BtB2006 - An Oriental Adventure Oriental 37.00 MB TR4 7.67 31 01-Jan-2006
Lara's Dream 9 Fantasy/Surreal 90.52 MB TR4 8.66 22 13-Aug-2005
BtB2005 - Another Catacomb Cave/Cat 26.33 MB TR4 7.76 51 01-Jan-2005
Lara's Dream 8 Fantasy/Surreal 52.40 MB TR4 8.31 26 19-Jan-2004
The Cathedral of the Fallen Egypt 13.95 MB TR4 6.10 24 27-Apr-2001
The City of Broken Dreams City 14.42 MB TR4 6.52 23 27-Apr-2001
The S.S. McGreer Ship 13.00 MB TR4 6.68 26 03-Mar-2001
The Scotish Ruin Castle 14.37 MB TR4 6.20 24 03-Mar-2001
The Doom Temples Egypt 13.91 MB TR4 7.31 24 06-Feb-2001
The Sewer Cave/Cat 13.28 MB TR4 6.33 24 04-Feb-2001
Psychedelic Caverns Egypt 13.04 MB TR4 5.70 24 20-Jan-2001
name: Kevin Learwood
country/city: England/Reading, Berkshire
builder interview: staticon

birthday: 25-Oct-1955
occupation: Assistant Water Quality Data Scientist
hobbies: Music, Literature, Photography, Computers, Cats, Tomb Raider
