Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

The Tomb near the Lost Valley Remake 15.98 MB TR4 7.79 30 28-Jun-2002
Aztec Complex South America 21.75 MB TR4 7.16 22 27-Apr-2002
Raiding Lara's Home Home 15.22 MB TR4 6.80 22 23-Feb-2002
Lara's Home Invasion Home 17.10 MB TR4 6.21 25 03-Feb-2002
TombRaider is not enough - Part1 Base/Lab 25.20 MB TR4 6.11 23 15-Jan-2002
The Quest for the Seraph 5 - The Secret Palace Cold/Snowy 16.50 MB TR4 6.93 20 22-Sep-2001
The Quest for the Seraph 4 - Hidden City Barkhang Oriental 17.60 MB TR4 7.50 24 10-Sep-2001
The Quest for the Seraph 3 - Return to Tibet Oriental 22.60 MB TR4 7.43 24 04-Sep-2001
The Quest for the Seraph 2 - Copacabana Palace Home 17.80 MB TR4 7.08 21 04-Aug-2001
The Quest for the Seraph 1 - Marine Research Base Base/Lab 23.80 MB TR4 7.33 22 08-Jul-2001
Abu Simbel Egypt 14.47 MB TR4 6.53 20 27-May-2001
The Mysterious Pyramid South America 17.95 MB TR4 6.63 18 17-Mar-2001
Train V2.0 Train 18.96 MB TR4 5.15 23 01-Feb-2001
Train Train 18.37 MB TR4 3.89 27 26-Jan-2001
Return to Venice Venice 15.61 MB TR4 4.71 23 12-Jan-2001
Caesar's Palace Egypt 15.62 MB TR4 5.97 29 03-Jan-2001
Water Temple Young Lara 15.19 MB TR4 5.36 33 26-Dec-2000
name: Leandro Dubost
country/city: Brazil/NiteroĆ­
builder interview: Leandro Dubost

birthday: 27-Mar-1985
occupation: student
hobbies: TR, videogames, cinema, books
