Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3187
TR3 - 182
TR2 - 139
TR1 - 67

73816 reviews (20.4/level)
3595 (99.6%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1259 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Level List

BtB2013 - Hammer of the Gods Nordic/Celtic 52.80 MB TR4 8.84 25 01-Apr-2013
Coyote Creek 2 Wild West 297.77 MB TR4 9.77 44 29-Oct-2012
Beyond the Scion nc 181.83 MB TR4 9.74 44 01-Mar-2010
TR Rude and Crude Joke 42.50 MB TR4 8.31 31 28-May-2007
Coyote Creek Wild West 160.00 MB TR4 9.51 56 12-Aug-2006
Star Wars - Episode 1 (Director's Cut) Alien/Space 62.66 MB TR4 9.58 22 15-Feb-2006
Jungle Ruins 3 Jungle 120.00 MB TR4 9.77 33 25-Oct-2005
Evil knows no Boundaries Mystery/Horror 30.70 MB TR4 9.40 36 17-Jun-2005
Lara at the Movies - Star Wars Episode 1 Alien/Space 301.83 MB TR4 9.14 48 25-Jun-2004
Legend of the Golden Scorpion Egypt 92.40 MB TR4 9.42 30 19-Mar-2004
bERT's World Joke 24.30 MB TR4 7.39 37 28-Sep-2003
Alternative Pyramid Hypothesis Egypt 25.70 MB TR4 7.35 18 07-May-2003
Burn the Midnight Oil Egypt 20.00 MB TR4 6.59 20 15-Feb-2003
name: Scott Ginn
country/city: Australia/
builder interview: EssGee

