Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3193
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

73971 reviews (20.4/level)
3605 (99.7%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1265 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Aspidetr Easter Time 2021 - Trouble Before Easter 7 7 8 8
BtB2020 - The Forgotten Sealed Masks 9 10 10 10
Lost Lunar Complex 9 9 10 10
Aspidetr Easter Time 2020 - Bunny Town 9 8 8 8
BtB2020 - Big Trouble in Little Tibet 9 9 10 10
BtB2020 - Save the Cintamani 9 9 7 7
LB Advent Calendar 2019 - Christmas in Seville 10 10 10 10
One Room Challenge - The Frozen Throne 7 10 10 10
Create a Classic 2019 - Puna's Revenge 10 9 10 10
Create a Classic 2019 - Lost Library of Demetrius 6 8 8 8
Create a Classic 2019 - Hostile Waters 10 9 10 9
Tomb Raider - The Discovery 9 9 10 9
ORC18 - The Ancient Hourglass 9 10 9 10
BtB2018 - The World of the 3 Wonders 8 8 9 8
Tomb Raider: Afterlife (Part 1) 10 9 9 9
Adventures of Lara Croft 6 8 9 9
Hollywood Mini Adventures - Holiday Special 5 8 7 10
Quest for Immortality (Demo) 7 8 9 8
Cakeworld Rebake 8 10 7 7
Return to the Tomb of Tutankhamun 6 7 6 7
20x20x20 Challenge - Ankh Curse 7 8 10 9
Temple of Danger 7 6 7 6
The Very End of Set 7 7 7 5
BtB2016 - The Temple of the Venerables 8 10 8 7
BtB2016 - In Search of Immortality 8 10 10 9
BtB2016 - Bandits Keep 6 10 6 5
BtB2016 - Sandstorm over Daraya 7 10 7 7
BtB2016 - A Perfume from Ispahan 8 10 7 6
BtB2016 - Lara of Arabia 6 10 8 9
BtB2016 - Finding Aladdin 8 10 6 6
LB Advent Calendar 2015 - An Ice Cave 6 8 6 6
TR Forge Advent Calendar 2015 - Winstons Christmas Calamity 7 9 9 9
LB Advent Calendar 2005 - Sheevah's Home 9 8 10 8
Uncle Silas (revised) 8 7 8 8
20x20x20 Challenge - Palace of Himeros 8 9 8 9
Tomb Raider - The Resurrection 10 9 9 8