Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


The Mansion 6 5 5 7
Alone in Aragnia 9 8 8 9
Armageddon's Temple 7 8 8 8
FHsv 9 8 8 9
Valley of the Hell 2 9 10 9 10
Stronghold of the four Elements 5 4 5 5
Search in Venice 6 7 7 8
TombRaider Resurrection 3: Burial Chambers 10 8 9 8
Twilight City 9 9 9 9
The Lost Valley 10 9 9 8
The Hidden Garden 7 8 9 10
Emerald Lakes 8 8 9 7
Firewalk 9 8 10 10
Obsidian Heights 9 9 10 10
Tarragona 7 - Civilisations Crossroads 8 8 9 9
Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and others 9 9 8 8
Tutorial City 7 7 7 10
Dark Skies 1 - City Streets 8 8 8 8
Dark Skies 2 - City Ruins 9 9 8 10
Raiding Lara's Home 5 3 4 5
Rommel's Treasure 1 - Intrusion 8 8 9 9
Rommel's Treasure 2 - The U-Boat Sarcophagus 8 8 9 9
Rommel's Treasure 3 - The Recycling Area 7 8 8 8
Rommel's Treasure 4 - X Zone 9 9 9 9
Temple of the Amazones 7 8 8 9
Escape from the Hollow Mountain 7 5 8 7
Frozen 7 5 7 7
Mona Lisa 7 7 6 8
Castle Doomsday 9 9 9 10
The Adventure 7 7 6 7
Search for Imhotep 10 10 10 10
The Rescue 8-10 9 8 9 9
Return to Tibet - Hunt for the Deathmask 8 8 9 8
The Forgotten City of Sanus 1 8 7 7 7
The Forgotten City of Sanus 2 10 9 9 9
The Resurrection 4 - The Absorbed City 6 7 7 6
The Citadel 4 4 4 5
The Citadel Gates 5 4 4 5
The Lost Treasure 7 7 8 8
The Castle (Le Chateau) 9 8 8 8
The City of Gods 2: The forgotten Passage 7 7 8 9
Egyptian Mythology 1 - Road to Echnaton's Tomb 8 7 8 9
Egyptian Mythology 3 - Nofretete's Secret Garden 8 8 7 8
Under the Daylight 9 7 8 7
Cliff Tomb at Akhetaton 8 9 9 9
Dreamland 2 - Mysterious Intonations of Constellations 6 4 5 9
Return to Egypt 5 5 6 5
The Lost Acropolis 1-3 9 8 9 10
Alcatraz 7 6 6 7
The Ruins of the Ancient 8 8 8 9
Lara's Clone? - Gloomy City (Stad Duister) 7 7 9 10
Temple of Apis 7 7 9 8
Lara's Diary 5 6 5 6
Lost Palaces 8 9 9 9
TAKO Company 7 6 7 8
Lara in my Dream 4 3 5 4
The Temple of Horus 2 6 6 6 6