Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3176
TR3 - 179
TR2 - 138
TR1 - 65

73281 reviews (20.4/level)
3578 (99.6%) walkthroughs
453 Hall of Fame levels
1252 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Search for Maat: Revenge of the Demigods 8 9 9 9
Planet of the Ancients 2 10 10 10 10
Run Lara Run 8 9 10 8
Beyond the Myst (Demo) 6 7 8 8
Underworld UB1 - Recruiting Demon Smalls 10 10 10 10
Sand Castle Sequel 9 10 10 9
Night School 10 8 9 8
Hidden Castle 9 8 10 9
Cobra's Lair 7 7 8 7
Catacombs of Fog 9 8 10 8
The Howling Mansion 8 10 6 5
Top Secret (Gizli Ust) 8 8 8 8
Aegean Legends 10 10 10 10
Troglodyte Technology Part 1 9 10 10 9
Origins of Evil 7 9 8 7
V4L3R10 2 4 4 3
Mystery of the City 3 3 4 4
Egypt (Egitto) 6 7 8 7
Underground Kingdom 10 10 10 10
Queen of the Cats 7 8 8 8
Egyptian Adventure 4 4 4 4
Lost in the Pyramid 4 4 4 4
The Temple Ruin 7 5 8 8
Sarnath 7 7 9 9
Deserted Island 6 5 4 4
The Secret of the Tower 7 8 7 8
The Temple of Ramses 7 6 7 6
The Tomb of Aristotle 6 5 6 5
The Dream 8 9 9 8
TRSearch HQ - Birthday Edition 4 4 5 4
The Murderer's Hiding Place 6 8 7 8
The Chamber of Elements 8 8 8 8
Baketamon's Jewel 10 10 10 10
Behind the Warp Gate 8 9 9 9
The Colosseum 6 6 7 6
Planet of the Ancients 10 10 10 10