Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3187
TR3 - 182
TR2 - 139
TR1 - 67

73808 reviews (20.4/level)
3595 (99.6%) walkthroughs
456 Hall of Fame levels
1259 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


Templars Secret (Beta Release) 9 10 10 9
Lost Temple of the Pyrenees 5 6 4 3
Ruins of the Lost City 8 9 10 10
Mystic Realm 7 9 8 6
Path to Damnation 7 10 10 9
Return to 40 Fathoms 5 7 8 6
Black Phoenix (Demo) 5 5 6 6
Ice World 3 4 2 2
Create a Classic: 20 years of TR - Tomb Raider Battle Arena 6 7 8 7
Silent Hill 7 9 9 10
In the Wrecked Ship 8 8 10 8
The Golden City - Quest for the Lost Seraph 5 8 9 9
Lara's Big Pool Room 2 0 0 3
#E.V.I.L 5 6 8 6
Archives of Asgard 5 4 1 7
TR3 Remake Demo - The Jungle 7 7 8 5
Temple of the Moon 7 8 9 9
From Darkness to Light 3 4 6 5
Reign of Chaos - Mexico 6 8 6 6
Lara Croft and the Tomb of the Gods 7 8 10 10
Frankys Castle (Il Castello di Franky) 4 7 6 5
Tomb Raider 2013 - Level Editor Project 7 10 9 8
Thames Wharf Remake 3 6 7 9
Tomb Raider Unfinished Business - Remake 9 7 10 5
Tomb Raiders Retold 3 4 1 6
TR AOD Revised - The Next Chapter (Demo) 4 5 5 4
Venice Building 3 1 2 3
The Project N.A.S.A. 6 7 9 5
Search for the Crystal 5 5 6 7
The Trident 2 2 4 3
Jurassic Park NG 7 8 9 9
The Temple (Demo) 5 3 7 5
Escape from the Military Base 5 4 3 1
Tinnos Challenge 6 5 2 4