Your host for all Tomb Raider Custom Levels ever released!

Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67

74039 reviews (20.4/level)
3607 (99.7%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

TR Fan Site


The Great Mechanical Puzzle: Remains of Astrash 9 10 10 10
BtB2024 - Beyond the Falls of Wadi El-Rayan 10 10 10 10
BtB2024 - Magic Amulet of Bastet 9 10 10 10
BtB2024 - The Secret of the Sphinx 8 8 8 8
BtB2024 - Mystery of the Dark Pyramid 8 8 10 9
BtB2024 - Goddess of Time 10 10 10 10
BtB2024 - Dark Secrets of Abydos 9 9 10 10
BtB2024 - Protecting Isis 10 10 10 10
BtB2024 - A Legacy from the Past 9 8 9 9
BtB2024 - Challenge of the Highpriest 9 10 10 10
BtB2024 - Moonlight Temple 8 8 9 9
BtB2024 - The Tale of Hatshepsut 8 8 9 8
BtB2024 - Temple of Amon-Rat 8 7 8 8
BtB2024 - Gardens of Ash 9 9 10 10
BtB2024 - Peak Pyramid 9 8 10 10
BtB2024 - Legend of the Lion Prince 8 9 9 9
BtB2024 - Ashes beyond Time 10 10 10 10
The Last Plague 2 - In the Mountain of Madness (Full) 8 9 10 10
The Great Maze: The Emperor's Heart 8 8 10 10
Arms Race 9 9 10 10
Mainland of Magic 10 8 10 10
Helm of Fallen Defender 4 4 6 6
Tomb Raider: The Little Things - Dead of Night 8 10 9 9
A snowy Walk in the Park 9 9 10 10
TR Advent Calendar 2021 - Another Winter Castle 10 10 10 10
War of the Worlds 10 10 10 10
Create a Classic 2021 - The Wrecked Ship 8 8 9 8
Create a Classic 2021 - Rome wasn't built in a Day: Part 1 10 10 10 10
Create a Classic 2021 - Venetian Night Adventure - Part 1 9 9 9 9
Molise Mysteries 9 9 9 10
VCI in L.A. 8 9 9 9
Movement at the Monastery 10 10 10 10
Tomb Raider - Biohazard 10 10 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2020 - Silent Town 10 9 10 10
LB Advent Calendar 2020 - Golden Memories 8 8 9 9
Shadow of Darkness 10 10 10 10
Mystery of Mystical Fluids 8 8 8 8
Examination of the Sphinx 8 7 9 8
Ice Carbon Chaos 5 5 6 6
Myths of Genghis Khan (Demo) 5 5 7 6
City of the Damned 8 7 9 8
The 13th Planet 8 9 9 9
BtB2020 - Shigatse Stone 6 7 7 7
BtB2020 - The Dharma Jewel 8 8 7 7
BtB2020 - The Lost Monastery 8 8 9 9
BtB2020 - Manjushri's Sword 6 7 8 7
BtB2020 - Save the Cintamani 7 8 7 7
BtB2020 - Beyond the Sky 7 7 8 7
BtB2020 - Dolma's Fortress 8 8 9 8
BtB2020 - Garden of the Four Seasons 10 10 10 10
BtB2020 - The Holy Shell 9 10 10 10
BtB2020 - A Debt in Tibet 9 10 10 10
BtB2020 - Big Trouble in Little Tibet 8 8 9 9
BtB2020 - Nest of the Souls 10 10 10 10
BtB2020 - The Forgotten Sealed Masks 9 9 9 8
BtB2020 - A Matter of Life and Death 8 8 9 9
BtB2020 - The Beheaded Mountain 10 10 10 9
BtB2020 - Beyond the Caves of Nyalam 9 9 10 10
The Lost Secret of Egypt 10 10 9 10